We are global research experts
We overcome the common pitfalls of global research. Over the last 15 years, we’ve cultivated a culture of collaboration, allowing our teams to seamlessly design, manage, and execute global research initiatives. These long-standing relationships result in consistent data collection and reporting across diverse markets, ensuring successful project outcomes regardless of where you test.
Global locations
Global team members
Countries in our network
Global projects

Trust and confidence in local resources
With 15+ years of cooperation, our teams have a long history of collaboration to design, manage, and conduct global research. Since 2006, we have accumulated thousands of hours of scoping, bidding, executing, and delivering on global research programs.

Quality-certified systems
We have shared quality systems and processes across our companies. This supports a more seamless onboarding with your procurement team and offers your team confidence in our multi-country deliverables that data will be consistently collected and reported. We also have shared project tracking technology tools that enable us to see at a glance what is happening in each company. This helps us better resource projects, manage projects and budgets, and sync deliverables if necessary.

Regular communication, accountability, and responsiveness
Our management team is in constant communication to discuss local country nuances that can impact user research as well as best practices and industry trends. We also regularly jointly present at international conferences. This open line of communication also facilitates a comfort level to address any project challenges frankly and immediately.

International medical device research experts
Our global team of researchers are trained on international standards that define best practices in the application of human factors and usability engineering, including IEC 62366-1, as well as regional guidance where available, including FDA guidance, EU Medical Device Regulations (MDR), National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
We love to collaborate
We facilitate seamless transitions and data-collection during global research by staying connected to our global teams throughout every project phase. But our commitment to global collaboration doesn’t end when the project is over. Our established partnerships foster a sense of community that makes the world feel just a little bit smaller. We harness that connectedness to streamline project processes and stay up-to-date on global UX trends.
Take a look at two of our most memorable global collaborations:
After almost three months of working from home, our global team came together for a virtual dance party that swept across China, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and the US!
Our team coordinated a domino event that moved around the globe! Which country’s creativity stands out? Watch now and find out!
Staying connected across continents
Our global collaboration extends beyond the digital realm. Our leadership team meets in person regularly! Despite spanning different continents, these face-to-face interactions foster a deeper connection among our team members, enhancing our ability to navigate project challenges. It’s more than just work – it’s about building connections and sharing experiences that truly make us a global team.